A few weeks ago already, the study tour committee organized the secondary preparatory activity together with Dmitry from Furin Karate Dojo here in Eindhoven. As you can imagine from the name of the dojo, the participants undertook a difficult night of honing their minds and body with the art of Karate under the great guidance of Dmitry.

The activity started with a dinner in Helix, a Japanese-themed curry made by the committee, which was greatly enjoyed by all. From here, everyone moved to the gym hall in which the activity was going to take place.

In the gym, we started with the very basics, the general movements that were meant to loosen our bodies and minds for more difficult sets of movements.

Afterwards, we moved to short sessions of hand-to-hand combat, in which two participants paired up to try and punch and defend someone else. Of course, without going in for the full hit, we didn’t want anyone to hurt themselves. Dmitry was present the entire time to show us very impressive control and speed and give tips to anyone who needed or wanted them.

In the end, a full-on movement was done, with various techniques chained to each other, which some of the participants were able to perform perfectly, while others struggled. This just shows that there’s still so much to learn! Thank you very much, Dmitry!