
Merel Sleddens

My name is Merel Sleddens, 24 years old, and I am from Bladel, the Netherlands. I lived in this small town for 22 years before I moved to Eindhoven. I joined the study tour because I wanted to see more of the world, and this seemed like a great possibility to do so.

My hobbies are cooking, eating, reading, and enjoying a nice glass of wine or beer. I am currently in the Gouden Loper Festival committee, where I will be organizing a craft beer festival together with three other people.

I am really excited to go to Singapore, Japan, and Taiwan with a fun group of fun and make some great memories!


Manon Ritten

Hello, my name is Manon and I am currently 24 years old. I am from Kerkrade, Limburg, but I am living in Eindhoven for 3 years now. I am going on the study trip because I am very interested in the Asian culture and I love going on trips with my friends, like my fellow Japie members. Furthermore, I really love swimming and I have competed in the Nationals several times. Besides this I also like to run and do triathlons. Some less sporty things I like to do is to hang out with friends, to go on city trips and of course to get drunk and go to stratum! Lastly, I am really looking forward to the study trip, it will for sure be one of the best experiences of my life

Jochem van Ierssel

Hi travel enthusiast,

My name is Jochem van Ierssel, I am 20 years old and I come from a small town called Meteren. You might know me as the Coordinator of External Affairs of the 66th board of Japie or as the Coordinator of Activities of the VIIth lustrum committee F.O.R.T. ‘Pie Debye’. I currently also live in the best Japie house together with 3 lovely housemates. Besides Japie I like watching a lot of sports, most of all football and cycling. I am a huge PSV fan, so you can also find me in the Philips Stadium on a regular basis. The reason I decided to join the study tour is because I really like to travel and also have not been to Asia before. I am really looking forward to the trip! 

Ulla Praisa

Greetings! I’m Ulla Praisa, a 22-year-old from Riga, Latvia, but my formative years were spent in the beautiful city of Utrecht. My pastimes include playing squash, reading, and juggling numerous extracurricular activities to fill my schedule. Currently, I’m following the chemical process technology master’s track while also engaging in various roles within the university. My eagerness to be part of this study trip stems from a passion for exploration and adventure. From my earliest memories, I’ve always treasured the joys of travel, whether it involved visiting my family in Latvia or spending summers in the diverse landscapes of France, England, or any other European country (with the occasional trip to the Americas). With my past journeys behind me, I’ve always had a curiosity about Asia and its numerous rich cultures. I hope this journey will provide me with new horizons, fresh experiences, and unforgettable memories to cherish for a lifetime.

Roy de Haan

Hello everyone,

My name is Roy de Haan and I am currently a sixth-year student. I originate from the village of Son en Breugel, just north of Eindhoven, which means that I am quite familiar with the city and can be considered a “local”. However, I will definitely not be a local in the places we will travel to during the study tour.

My reason for joining the study tour is to explore job and internship opportunities outside of Europe and see if those are something for me. Additionally, I would like to broaden my cultural horizon by learning more about cultures that are different from my own. This especially includes the local cuisines. One of my hobbies is cooking, and I will therefore spend a significant amount of time discovering all the delicacies that the destination countries have to offer. 

Luc de Clercq

Hey all, I am Luc de Clercq. I originally was born in Mierlo (Netherlands) but lived almost my whole life in Budel. Some of my hobbies are watching motorsports, reading, and sporting. Especially, Ice-skating, cycling, and running are sports I like a lot. Nowadays I have my own room in Eindhoven. This study trip is for me a unique opportunity to explore other countries outside of Europe as I have not done such a thing. Besides that, it is also interesting how other universities and companies outside of the Netherlands function. As such, I am looking forward to this trip with some other amazing fellow students.

Maurik Engelbert van Bevervoorde

I’m Maurik, fifth year student and currently doing the CPT master combined with the mastaer in applied math. I’m originally from the beautiful town in Limburg called Sint Joost, which has a forest at walking distance, where I love to go mountain biking with my father and little brother at times during the weekend. Some other hobbies of mine include reading, joining group lessons at the SSC and playing board games with friends.

As I love cooking, I joined the ChefCie during my first year as a student, and still am a proud member. The Asian cuisine is one of my favourites, so I look forward to experiencing it first-hand during the study tour. I’m also very much looking forward to the culture shock of diving into Asian culture for a couple of weeks, as I haven’t been to that part of the world yet.

Sander van den Brink

Hey everybody,

I am Sander van den Brink and I was born in a small village in North-Holland called Dirkshorn. After having lived here for 18 years I moved to Eindhoven 2 years ago to study Chemical Engineering. Next year I will be the Treasurer of the F.O.R.T. committee so that is where I spent most of my spare time on. Besides the F.O.R.T. I also enjoy watching motorsports like Formula 1 and MotoGP, of course preferably in nice company. Moreover I also like to spend my free time going out or playing some games with my friends. Lastly I am really excited to go on the trip with all of you because who doesn’t love to go on a vacation with such amazing people.

Henry Kwan

Oh, I still cannot believe going to Singapore, Taiwan and Japan with you. It will be so kawaii desu ;). Let me introduce myself: I’m Henry Kwan, currently living in the small picturesque village of Bladel (Noord-Brabant), and I will hopefully soon end my masters in MSMC. You may have seen me being active for the student team SensUs Organization. Or maybe you have read some of my articles in the T-Licht (and my DDR game easter egg…). 


Singapore was on my bucket list for a long long time. My main reason… Yes, it is because of their FOOD !!! It is also one of my favourite conversational topics. I like to compare myself talking about exquisite food to the Dutch people talking about the weather. 


All in all, I am looking forward to meeting you all. Let’s make this trip an unforgettable moment of our lives!


Pascal van Wijk

Hi, my name is (what?)

My name is (who?)

My name is (chka-chka, Pascal)

Originating from the beautiful city of IJsselstein, Utrecht this man has traveled all over the world. Not only he does this on a (partially) crappy old racing bike, but also with his fellow band members, as the proud drummer that he is. Making music is one of the most fun things to do, in the 22-year old’s opinion. Equally fun nowadays is swimming, playing squash or table tennis. Semi-fun is the MSMC Master’s track that he is trying to tackle nowadays. The sky is the limit, therefore he worked at the supermarket for plenty of years. Loyalty is something he values very much, as is making plenty of jokes verbally, and on paper. He thinks the world can loosen up a bit at times.

Luke de Jong

Hi I’m Luke,


I’m 24 years old and originally from a small village near Leiden called Hazerswoude-dorp. But I’ve lived in Eindhoven for the last 5 years. This year, I started with my master in process technology. In my spare time I like to go to the gym or occasionally go for a run (mainly when the Batavieren race is nearing) or having a beer with friends.


After a not so successful trip to Singapore a little over a year ago (eventhough Iceland was beautiful), I could not let the oppertunity pass to still visit this country. Especially while also being able to combine it with a visit to Japan and Taiwan. I’m really looking forward to exploring this side of the world with a group of Japies

Timon Roose

Hi there! My name is Timon Roose and I’m from the best city in Brabant: Tilburg! Since I only dared to move about 30 kilometres when choosing a university, I thought traveling to the other side of the world would be a nice change of pace. You might already know me as the chairman of the 66th board of T.S.V.  ‘Jan Pieter Minckelers’, which takes up most of my time nowadays. If I ever get some spare time, I like to play guitar, read books or go for a run. I hope I will be able to keep up my running habit while on the STC, but I am not too optimistic about that 🙂 I am already looking forward to the tour, which will be the best way to finish my board year!

Sven Nash

Hi! My name is Sven and I am very excited to go on the study tour of (South) Eastern Asia this upcoming summer. Although I may not always sound like it, I was born in Breda, on the other side of North Brabant from Eindhoven, to an already quite geographically spread family. My passport is Dutch, but I spent over 10 years living in Asia, on the tropical island of Borneo, Malaysia and in the desert that is Qatar. Traveling long hours and adapting to different cultures is how I was raised. I look forward to the STC, primarily to delve into the renowned gastronomy of the Isles that we’ll visit. But certainly also to experience the cultural and ecological diversity this tour will expose us to. I am enjoying all of the pre-tour activities so far, and I am excited for all that the committee still has in store.

Marlo Cieraad

My name is Marlo Cieraad. I am 23 and from Doesburg, Gelderland in the Netherlands. I moved to Eindhoven for my studies in 2018 and I am now in the second year of my master’s degree in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. In my spare time I like to practice archery and try to cook up delicious dishes. This study tour provides a unique opportunity to experience foreign cultures and have a good time together with my fellow students.

Sanne Litjens

Hii everyone!!

My name is Sanne and I’m 22 years old. I’m from the beautiful city Utrecht, but after 19 years I decided to move to Brabant. In my free time, I really like to play volleyball, watch sports, play board games and read. Furthermore, I’m also interested in cooking, baking and (most importantly!) eating so I’m very curious to taste the different cuisines of the countries that we will travel to. I’ve never been to Asia before and I’m looking forward to exploring the different landscapes and cities together with a bunch of monkeys/Japies!

Milva Baar

Hey everyone,

My name is Milva and I am 21 years old. I come from Velp, a village close to Arnhem. I am currently a 4th year student.  My hobbies mostly involve sports, like climbing, playing judo and do cool stuff in the Alps, for example mountaineering and tour skiing. When I have time I also like to crochet or sew clothes.  It always has been a dream of me to travel to Japan, the country where judo is originated. When this opportunity came, I did not think twice and immediately signed up. I am really excited for the trip and I am curious what new adventures will await us.

Twan Scheres

Hello all, I’m Twan. I am 23 years old and I am starting my master’s somewhere this year. I am from the beautiful village called Haelen, located in the middle of Limburg. My hobbies are sport climbing, playing video games and having a drink with friends. Last year I also did a board year at Japie and the year before that I was in the study tour committee. We organized a tour to Sweden, Norway and Iceland and we had a blast. I had such a good time that I decided to also join this study tour, but this time as a participant. I am really looking forward to going to Singapore, Taiwan and Japan!

Joost Coppoolse

My name is Joost and I am currently finishing my master’s thesis. I come from the beautiful city of Hellevoetsluis, where I have lived till I was 18 and started to live and study in Eindhoven, meaning I have been living here for 6 years now. In my pastime I enjoy watching and playing football, archery and watching terrible movies with my friends.

I’m especially excited to join the study tour to experience a totally different culture than what we are used to here in the Netherlands, also because this will be my first time leaving Europe. This of course goes for the countries respective histories, but also their work ethic and other every day customs that we will encounter there. 

Nikita Vasilić

Hello there! General Peruser, you’re a bold one! I shall introduce myself. My name is Nikita.

I come from the humble small city capital of Limburg, named Maastricht. Even though its smaller than more northern cities, it has a history filled to the brim. Currently, I reside in Eindhoven, a city full of Chemical potential. Now I study Chemical Engineering & Chemistry at TU/e until the trip starts. I really am looking forward to becoming a master student of Chemical Process Technology afterwards.

Moreover, I love ice skating and at an early age I picked up ice hockey. It is a sport full of pit, swiftness and Russian Circles. Some of my other hobbies include tennis, reading and coding. I am enthralled by the opportunity to visit Asia and to exchange educational & industrial ideas and culture! I hope to get inspired by their food to become a better cook.

Maurits Mulder

I’m Maurits Mulder and I am 24 years old and come from the best town in the Netherlands, namely Best. which is around 12 km from Eindhoven. Since leaving high school and attending university, I have gotten more out of my shell, and become enamored with experiencing new things, seeing new places, and getting to know new cultures. One of the places where I noticed this was in becoming an active member of Japie by joining committees, such as the freshmen committee, Batavieren-race committee, and IT committee.

When I got notified about the Study tour subscribed because it piqued my curiosity and it would allow me to continue my journey of trying to experience as much as the world has to offer.