Last week, the participants and committee had their very first activity in the form of a pub quiz made by Teun centered around the destinations and the participants as a way to get to know each other. Thus, everyone gathered in the F.O.R.T. for a great night! First, Erik led the committee to answer some frequently asked questions by the participants, but it was soon time to start the activity itself.

Of course, the initial round consisted of questions about the Netherlands. Because why would you leave if there’s still so much to get to know here? Luckily, all of our participants seemed very ready to leave towards the second set in the form of questions about the destinations.

After a quick group change and some time to refill the liquid knowledge on the tables, it was time to determine the country and city based on a skyline. This proved difficult for many participants, but many points were still to be had! In the fourth set, the committee and Jochem disguised themselves as monkeys with the participants’ task to identify which monkey was which person. Closer inspection was necessary for some, but I don’t think we have to be too afraid to lose any members when monkeys and participants get close to each other on the trip.

Another group change later, the last two sets had the participants use all of their knowledge about the other people joining to answer personal questions. The committee had done some social media stalking to find out information about the participants on top of having handed out a form to be filled in. New facts about each other were discovered, although we think that there’ll be much more to learn about each other in the next activities and on the trip itself.

A lot of smiles were to be seen, and while the participants mingled a bit more the committee took to the task of checking all of the answer sheets. After crunching the numbers it was found that the one and only winner was Nikita with 55 points!

The F.O.R.T. committee and drafter were obligated to kick out all of the participants after a long night of working, but we could only see smiling faces leaving for their homes. Hopefully, the next activity will be just as good of a time!