25th of July



Night life

Today we started off with a visit to Kyoto University. There we had a short introduction about the Katsura campus. After this they shortly talked about the three labs, which we then visited. The first lab that we visited was the ‘Abe lab’, here they research photocatalysts. They focus on the application of carbon dioxide conversion and hydrogen production. The next lab was the ‘Kageyama lab’. Here they research solid state and mixed-anion materials. These materials are being investigated for their use in semiconductors. They showed us their synchrotron, which they use for analysis. The last lab was the ‘Fujihara lab’. Here they are doing research into new organic synthesis methods for utilizing carbon dioxide and organometallic chemistry. After taking some pictures we said goodbye and went back to the hostel for a bit of free time.


Later in the afternoon  after a short fresh up, we went to the Fushimi Inari Taisha. This is a very famous Shinto shrine that has a myriad of tori gates on its paths. Here we climbed the mountain and enjoyed the panoramic view over Kyoto. Most of the group took the normal route, but there were a few guys that took a shortcut through the woods and accidentally ended up taking a much longer route than planned. Nevertheless, they were not the latest to leave as two other guys managed to walk an even longer route Those attested that the sunset was gorgeous. 

After the shrine, a group of people went to a conveyor belt sushi restaurant. In this restaurant all of the sushi is placed on a conveyor belt and you can just pick it up whenever you see something you like. There was also a screen on the table which allowed you to order extra dishes, which were then delivered on a rail with a small car. There were also cocktails for about 5 euro, so the people at the screen made sure everyone was well hydrated. Two people decided to order the blowfish, a fish that is deadly if not prepared right. But no worries, they are still with us. At the end of the night most tables managed to build quite the wall of plates and spend their wallets.


While others went to the hostel a small group decided to end the night in an Irish pub, where we enjoyed some nice drinks. We do not exactly know how we got home, but in the morning we (Twan & Sander) received some complaints from our roommates about being very loud and there are some vague memories about knocking over a bunch of stuff.

Written by: Twan Scheres & Nikita Vasilic