

Night life

After 27 days, the final day had come. Unfortunately all good things need to come to an end… You would think this day was filled with enjoying the amazing food one more time, but a significant amount of Japies opted for Denny’s (an American breakfast place). Nonetheless, all participants had a nice Japanese lunch such as katsu, okonomiyaki, sushi, weird snacks, takoyaki, macha and mochi. Besides that, people realised that they wanted to take something of Japan home with them, which is why they raided the souvenir shops of Tokyo such as the Don Quijote and Nakamise-dori street. Others went to an aquarium museum to fill up their last free time. In the afternoon, the last culture activity of the day took place in the Tokyo dome.
One of the national sports of Japan is baseball, and today two of the biggest baseball teams in Tokyo participated in a city derby. The Tokyo Giants versus the Yakult Swallows! The Tokyo was filled with about 40.000 enthusiastic Japanese fans and 28 flabbergasted Japies. After an exciting final inning, the Tokyo giants came out on top. Luckily, the committee got all participants a Giants towel (instead of the Rainbow umbrella of the Swallows) to wave in the air together with all the Giants fans.

Then it was time to head back, but not before some Japies got distracted by the Thunder dolphin rollercoaster next to the Tokyo dome. Everyone had some final diner. One group went for ramen, some groups went for sushi, but some were happy enough with a meal from the convenience store.
Now the inevitable moment of saying goodbye had come as we had to say goodbye to the people that somehow still had money left to continue the trip 🙁
After many goodbye hugs we got on the bus to the airport to start our long journey back home.
Written by: Manon Ritten & Timon Roose